
01.08.2020 - Improve my fitness - Lucy

With the children fast growing up and with more time on my hands, I decided a while back that I needed to improve my fitness. I was never any good at sport at school and didn't really think that I could ever run 5K, but I decided to give it a go, at the very least I would get some exercise. In a single term, I managed to go from someone who never ran anywhere to someone who could run 5K without stopping. For me, this was the greatest physical achievement of my life! Anne-Marie is a wonderful trainer and the group of ladies in the group are all extremely supportive. I always feel really good after a session, no matter how hard it feels. So come along - and give it a go - I promise you won't regret it!

12.03.2020 - Achieved PBs in all distances - Lee

With Anne-Marie’s coaching, I have achieved PBs in all distances from 5k right through to a marathon. A few technique changes to my running have made an enormous difference. I now feel and run like a competent runner. With regular video analysis, I’m getting constant feedback and advice on little tweaks that improve my running efficiency.

I would highly recommend Anne-Marie as a running coach. From beginner right through to the elite athlete, she is knowledgeable, encouraging and will do all she can to help you reach your running goals.

10.03.2020 - Not a naturally sporty person - Geraldine

I am not a naturally sporty person and have never really stuck to any exercise for more than a couple of months. After some gentle persuasion and attending a local gym for a couple of months I went along to a mixed ability session in September last year......and can easily say it's one of the best things I've done! It didn't matter that I had never run before in my life...well not since secondary school as both the leaders Anne-Marie and Jayne and all the ladies were so friendly and welcoming.  In mid-October, I upped it to two sessions a week and in January took part in my first ever 5K ParkRun. I quickly noticed my fitness and ability improving and I felt healthier and fitter by the week. I have lost weight and inches and my clothes fit better. The sessions are tough and there were times when I went through excuses in my head as to why I couldn't go but it was so worth it to go along each time. Words cannot describe the sense of achievement and well being you feel at the end of each session. The friendly nature of the group and the support and encouragement you get is wonderful. No one is competitive and we all help one another to progress at our own pace and ability whilst having fun along the way. I can now call myself a runner and it's all down to the wonderful ladies of the Any1CanRun group.

09.03.2020 - Windsor Women’s 10k - Charlotte and Maddie

Charlotte and I want to run the Windsor Women’s 10K in September, we are very much recreational runners, we haven’t really taken it seriously but we wanted a challenge. As soon as we signed up we started dreading it.


Runners MOT really helped us. I had been recommended orthotics but I just couldn’t get on with them. It turns out there was nothing wrong with my feet, my upper body was rotating due to an old shoulder injury and that was affecting my stride. Maddie had a few different issues mainly due to spending so much time sitting at work and driving. Anne-Marie gave us some exercises to activate our glutes and mobilise my shoulder.


I never realised how important running technique was, especially as we added an extra day to our training schedule. Anne-Marie also said it’s OK to walk, now we are both happy going out for a long run or walk and we feel we can do the distance.

11.02.2020 - Brighton Marathon - Alex

I’ve been running for 15 years on and off. I got a last-minute charity place for the BRIGHTON Marathon. After reading so much conflicting advice in publications, I decided to look for a proper coach, I’m so pleased I did! I now have a proper training plan which I’ve been able to work around my work/life. I’m taking more care with my nutrition, fuelling and sleep. Anne-Marie gave me ideas for sessions, instead of just going for a run, I now know what the purpose of each run is, which has given me more confidence. Anne-Marie also introduced me to effective strength training for runners, which is something I’m able to easily incorporate into my life.

09.01.2020 - Problems with my knee, Achilles and some back ache - Chris Mills

Anne-Marie filmed me, analysed my technique and was able to show me that my upper body was rotating, due to poor arm drive and I was also leaning to one side. After a few sessions and practising my homework, my arm drive improved which helped my back immensely. We also did some work on my glutes and core strength; over a short period, I was actually running in a straight line. Pretty soon I saw reductions in my Park run times, 10K and half-marathon. Anne-Marie also helped me with nutrition and pacing tips as well as giving me ideas for drills, etc. I feel confident that I will do a good time at the Virgin London Marathon.

16.12.2019 - Shin splints or Knee pain - Helen Merritt

I’ve been running for about a year and I love it. My 5K time is 31.12. However, I was getting really frustrated because every time I increased my mileage I’d get shin splints or knee pain. I wanted to do a 10K charity event.


One of my friends recommended Runners MoT. During the session, we did a warm-up (which was a first for me) and some drills (again a first). Anne-Marie filmed me on the treadmill, I hadn’t realised what my arms were doing, fortunately, that was pretty easy to solve. I was also over striding so we worked on that. Anne-Marie talked me through the kind of training I needed to do to get faster, I had never done any speed work before. Anne-Marie gave me some homework and checked in with me. I gradually increased my mileage and managed to train consistently and completed my first 10K comfortably, I’m now planning to run the Fleet Half in March.