Shin splints or Knee pain - Helen Merritt

I’ve been running for about a year and I love it. My 5K time is 31.12. However, I was getting really frustrated because every time I increased my mileage I’d get shin splints or knee pain. I wanted to do a 10K charity event.


One of my friends recommended Runners MoT. During the session, we did a warm-up (which was a first for me) and some drills (again a first). Anne-Marie filmed me on the treadmill, I hadn’t realised what my arms were doing, fortunately, that was pretty easy to solve. I was also over striding so we worked on that. Anne-Marie talked me through the kind of training I needed to do to get faster, I had never done any speed work before. Anne-Marie gave me some homework and checked in with me. I gradually increased my mileage and managed to train consistently and completed my first 10K comfortably, I’m now planning to run the Fleet Half in March.

16 December, 2019

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