What is a runners MoT?

Who is the runner’s MoT suitable for?

A runners MoT is suitable for all abilities from beginner to elite whatever their goal.

Whether you are a beginner, serious amateur or an elite - running with poor technique risks injury. Every year between 37% and 56% of runners sustain an injury which stops them training consistently, this has a major effect on motivation and costs time and money seeking professional help, some athletes resort to taking medication to mask pain and discomfort  - most of these injuries are preventable.

The MoT is designed to help you move better, run better and run faster for longer. It will also pinpoint areas of weakness which could make you susceptible to injury and interfere with your training.

How does it work?

After a warm-up and selection of dynamic running drills, we carry out a Movement Analysis using a movement mat to pinpoint areas of weakness in general movement patterns. If there are limitations to your movement, this will carry over to your running, this may be due to structural issues or conditions or may be due to strength or flexibility issues.

We then carry out a Biomechanical Analysis on the treadmill, we film your running from the side and rear. Using specialist software we analyse your: posture, head position, arm drive, body rotation, pelvic and hip position and your foot contact - this is much more advanced and holistic than a gait analysis.

The information provided by the Dynamic Movement analysis and Biomechanical analysis is used to create a tailored set of exercises, depending on whether you have strength, activation, mobility or stretching issues.

The next stage is a demonstration of some of the proven methods we use to correct your technique.

We also provide some tips on planning training, nutrition and other elements that can affect performance.

We finish with a warm down and appropriate stretches.

Why do runners get injured?

Stresses on the body

Running places stress on the body (between two and five times our weight through our foot, knee and hip), this is exacerbated by incorrect running mechanics. If we hit the ground hard or spend more time on the ground (slower runners), greater forces are put through the limbs, hence when training volume increases so does the risk of injury.

Poor technique

Poor arm drive and body rotation, hip mobility, a weak core, over striding, cause energy leaks and can lead to injury.

Muscle imbalances

Inadequate warm-up, drills or cool down the absence of enough strength and conditioning, failure to do enough appropriate stretches.

Poor nutrition and or hydration

Even in winter, it is important that you take on enough fluid,  exercising when dehydrated can impact your performance by up to 20% (see our Nutrition and fuelling blog for more ideas).

Inadequate rest, recovery and sleep

It is important to have good sleep hygiene. Looking at screens, eating late, alcohol, caffeine,  exercising too late ten to overstimulate the body. 7-8 hours is recommended, you may need to factor in extra time for naps if you are training hard.

Adaptions do not take place in the gym or during a run. Exercise can cause micro-tears in the muscles, however, with the proper rest and recovery (this includes eating within two hours of exercise) the micro-tears quickly repair. Similarly, your cardiovascular and neuromuscular system adapt to the demand (of a higher training load) when you rest.

Failing to follow a smart training plan

It’s important to keep a record of your training, that way you can trackback what works well or not so well. Overtraining and overuse of muscles without adequate rest can cause injury, conversely inadequate training can leave you at an event underprepared and struggling.


11 February, 2020

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